5 Ways to Impact Refugee Livelihoods in 2021

Did you commit to a reset this January? You’re not alone!

We’re excited to share 5 high-impact intentions for 2021, along with a few ideas on how you can kickstart your impact goals this year.

Whether you want to eat more veggies or plan to take a second look at the labels in your clothes, growing your impact doesn’t have to be just about giving more; there are many ways to make a difference in the livelihoods of refugees.

1. Keep your veggies close to home.

On average, less than 1% of the food we consume is grown locally so when you purchase veggies directly from New Leaf  farmers you invest in your community and those getting the food to your table. As one of only a few certified organic farms in Texas, we’re committed to keeping New Leaf veggies accessible, high-quality and close to home. 

Get started with these ideas...

  • Join our Winter CSA for weekly shares of organic produce

  • Explore seasonal veggies at your local farmers market

2. Seek opportunities for connection.

It's no secret that 2020 left many of us longing for opportunities to connect with loved ones, neighbors—even strangers. In 2021, empathy is more valuable than ever as we remember how deeply we rely on each other to create a more welcoming and equitable community of resettlement. 

Get started with these ideas...

3. Invest in regenerative and resilient solutions.

We will continue investing in the health of our local ecosystem by farming with organic and regenerative practices that replenish the land rather than take from it. Permaculture techniques used at New Leaf such as cover-cropping restore soil fertility.

Check out this resource:

  • Watch Kiss the Ground, a 2020 documentary shedding light on the potential that “regenerative agriculture" has to balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world. 

4. Support social and economic upward-mobility.

By offering paid English as Second Language (ESL) training to our entire refugee team we’ll support their ability to communicate and advocate for themselves. Self-reliance, through fair-wages and language access, helps refugees gain agency over their finances and futures.

One idea…

5. Share stories of hope.

Stories are what connect us, through moments of collective grief, hope, and change. This year, we’re looking forward to more opportunities to celebrate the kindness, courage, and skills that refugees bring to this country. 

A good place to start...


3 Hearty and Healthy Recipes for Winter


2020: Year in Review